Stephen was asked to visit universities in Singapore, Bangkok and KL so on October 20th, 2012 he and Paulie headed there. Local colleagues kept Stephen busy with up to 3 talks a day. In Singapore that included presenting to vocational educational folks, medical schools, and media academics. Bangkok had a medical focus and KL was a short visit Stephen made without Paulie that had a medical and education faculty focus. Although working hours were busy, Stephen enjoyed time with Paulie on weekends and evenings. A catch up with brother Jon in Singapore was great.
Once again Jon showed his freaky connection to the cosmos. Stephen had left a bottle of wine in the cab that dropped them to Jon's pad off Siglap Road. That Chinese driver we later learned mentioned the fact that an Ang Mo left wine to a colleague whilst having a break who said "an Ang Mo off Siglap Drive? That sounds like Jon". Up pulls a cab whilst were were at dinner at a street cafe and the driver shared the wine with us.
It has been a few years since the guys had visited Singapore or Bangkok and they saw a lot of different stuff this time. The guys had time to drop in on the old Thai capital, Ayutthaya which Stephen visited a decade prior.
Home in Singapore. Preparing a few talks
short walk
Channelling Andy...
If we only knew this run was on the day we arrived, we could have shown them Ang Mo athleticism
National Museum
The display stinks
It was a work trip
from our floor...
Crazy pool in the sky….
Paulie explores as Stephen talks
No graves here, just the gravestones
The SIngapore way… sign on a building site
Paulie's new pals
Dinner near Singlap Road with Bro Jon, Bea and Billecart
Bea's boss Rob and Karen
Go figure… sharing wine with the cabbie
Paulie has a catch up read
gardens by the bay
Stephen presents in a funky journalism venue
and tells the story about telling mobile stories
Jon at work at the Blue Jazz cafe near Arab Street
Ms Olivia has a chat from Europe
Post gym breakfast
Next talk is medical. And in Bangkok...
Paulie explores
High tea on Sukumvit
Venue for a post working day massage