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Spain and home via London and Singapore

Into the old city
Into the old city

Ready to head home
Ready to head home
BAck from Barcelona and ready for dinner
Back from Barcelona and ready for dinner

Looking back to 1974 and Paulie's time in the U.S.
Looking back to 1974 and Paulie's time in the U.S.
Pick Paulie!

Jan 12th - last day in London. We stay with Rachel again.
Jan 12th - last day in London. We stay with Rachel again.

Tower of London and the gerkin
Tower of London and the gerkin
Stephen's flu/cold hits a high.
Stephen's flu/cold hits a high.

14th Dec - Change of pace (and climate). Jim is left in England to make his way home in a couple of weeks, and the other turn up in Singapore
14th Dec - Change of pace (and climate). Jim is left in England to make his way home in a couple of weeks, and the others turn up in Singapore
Don't rush him...
Don't rush him (he still has the flu)...
Where clan Jon, Asako and kids have just moved!
Where clan Jon, Asako and kids have just moved!
Chinatown & Olivia's nightmare
Chinatown & Olivia's nightmare
Guru in Little India does cosmic stuff to Paulie
Guru in Little India does cosmic stuff to Paulie
Or maybe it was posture training?
Or maybe it was posture training?

At least some of these Gods have smiled upon us. The trip nears an end as we head to the airport
At least some of these Gods have smiled upon us. The trip nears an end as we head to the airport