Kid's collection

Stephen found a pile of old 8mm film and had it digitised. Alas, only 2 were at all interesting. Stephen and his brother Jon made home movies. Corny silent creations. They were made when Stephen was around 14. Back then his family lived close to the current AthoTurnbull home.

OK. Clip one is super corny. Stephen's dad, John, sees Stephen drowning and leaps in. Only to need saving himself. Stephen is trying to find some footage of John from the TV show he used to be on (Meet the Press). A few of John's newspaper clippings are on online.

Jon and Stephen Atherton made Clip 2 back in the 1970s. It was set in our backyard, and used the props we had- German uniforms, weapons and plenty of space. Jon starts out as the silent German soldier. In scene 2, Stephen, a GI, gets revenge with his trusty blade. In the third scene our family friend, Patrick Saint (son of our parents' good friend Prof Eric Saint, then Dean Medicine) takes revenge for the Motherland. Complicated plot!