Directors' Notes:
Bonjour to you all.
This movie that you are about to watch or have watched, or whatever, is of course about the Green Monkey Revolution.
See, in the year 2001, the Green Monkeys, of which we are descendants of, took over this world. All life began with the Green Monkeys, and they are extremely advanced in technology. They use weather devises as weapons, and call upon their God, the Green King, for Luck in battle. These little creatures can't loose! So when they plan to conquer Human-beings, well we're quite stuffed.
At first, they act nice. They let all the leaders of countries keep their power, and they keep the peace. They are kind to the people, and let them live in their homes, do day to day things, everything that we would have done under the power of any other race. But then! Then they ask for more. 'These petty humans are worthless' they cry! And so we are! We haven't even invented transporters yet (or have we?)! They come to each house and collect taxes each week, and when people don't pay up, they are angered, and use their Weather Weapons to kill the non-paying people. Butchers are shot; the Green Monkeys don't tolerate meat eaters. Musicians are unemployed; there's no need for music now. The world as we know it plunges into chaos! Only drug dealers are happy; they think it's 'trippy'! Apocalypse now!..no.......now!!! no wait........ NOW!