Kicking off the year en France


Paulie and Stephen were in their second month in France. Stephen caught up with James in Oxford and later James visited the guys in France. The lads looked set to take ownership of a lovely East Oxford house. Olivia balanced work and play and hunting for a house to purchase as well as training for a half marathon. Nick was still in North Queensland.


This time in France coming to an end as the third month winds up. James and Keno patiently wait for their house purchase to be finalised, Olivia takes on a clinical educator role, hunts for a flat to purchase, and trains for a half marathon. Nick is still up north and Paulie and Stephen visit Cahors, Gaillac, host aperos and have a delightful time in chilly SW France.


In March Olivia continues hunting for a flat to purchase, working, training for a half marathon, and headed bush. James and Keno  should move into their Oxford home early April. Nick was still doing it tough in Mareeba BUT is set to start April based in a Cairns flat. The oldies headed to Australia early March and jumped back on a plane and headed to Vietnam.


Paulie & Stephen moved back to their Brisbane home after months away. Next month they make a move again.  In Oxford James and Keno moved into their new home with no plans to move again any time soon. Olivia dreamt of moving & flat hunted, worked, and continued her running. Nick moved into a flat in Cairns, and Paulie's sister Jan and husband Jim were about to move to Noosaville. A moving month.


It was time to head off on the next adventure for a month in South Australia to see Olivia run her half marathon and to explore realestate in various locations (a possible 2025 relocation?). 


The adventures continue in two hemispheres. For much of the month Paulie and Stephen continued to explore South Australian potential relocation sites, hang out with Olivia, and housesit pals Jane and David's house. Then it was off to Oxford to stay with Keno and James as a stepping stone to the rest of the year in France.  


Paulie & Stephen left England for France on July 4th. It was a busy month with Olivia purchasing a flat in Adelaide, Nick getting into shape and ticking off tasks in Cairns, and James & Keno's busy work and play commitments. And of course Paulie & Stephen's activities.


This was probably the busiest month for the clan. Nick moved into a new flat and worked as an event host, Olivia moved into her own flat after a holiday in Rarotonga, Birthday Boy James and Keno had time out in Thailand, and Paulie and Stephen experienced the busiest month in the village as well as pitched a tent in the Gironde and Lot et Garrone.


September was again a very full month. For Paulie & Stephen this included dog sitting in Berkshire, visits to Oxford and gatherings aplenty. Olivia focussed on fitness, fun, student teaching and more work on setting up house. James focussed on transitioning out of his long term job with Lush. Both Keno and James continued with meetings, and family and friend stays.  In Cairns Nick focussed on getting his life on track, finding work and future plans.


A fun month included a groovy West African gig, a long Danish gathering, Apple juicing near St Antonin, and Stephen's birthday gathering; Olivia outings, promotion, home building, and training; Nick's Atherton Tableland trip and skilling up by obtaining heavy machinery licenses; and James and Keno's hosting of their German family.


Kicking off the month, Paulie & Stephen headed for Catalan turf near the Spanish border. The busy month included a long weekend in Bordeaux, and closed off with a few days with the Oxford lads. And the the duos' return to Australia in time for Olivia's 30th birthday in Adelaide and a pal's wedding in Brisbane in December. Nick visited Brisbane and prepared for a move to new temporary digs.


Leaving Oxford Paulie and Stephen headed to Adelaide and then Brisbane HQ.  A lot on - Olivia's birthday in Adelaide. Nick settled into new digs, housesat in Mossman, and came to Brisbane for a quick Christmas visit. James and Keno were busy at work and play.

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