1Oct 1 - Stephen, In Oxford, cooks the lads a nice mushroom risotto for tea
2The next day it's interview time at the Strand, and then lunch in the crypt of St Martin in the Field
3And then tourist time to check some impressionist work
4.. in the National Gallery
6Stephen first visited 31 years prior
7There's a Pacifica gig (free for NZ passport holders damn it) at the Academy of Arts
83rd - with Stephen not returning until around midnight. Paulie has time to join a walk to Cazals
9Which included a nice feed!
10Then back home to the turning leaves
11Pal Storm shows off her "bike"
12The rain is yet to come to help the lawn recover. Still nice and warm
135th - Puycelci - a 36 km pedal for Daniel and Stephen
15Which deserves a lunch break
16With the support crew who met them there.
17And a wind down after the 36 km pedal back again
18Preparing for a dinner that night
19Inside preparation
206th - up the Grotte de Bosc road
21Some folks travel through the village
22Meanwhile in Brisbane, Rosie seems rather settled in at Olivia's new pad
239th - A ride up to La Corniche
24Video- the top reached
25That day Daniel Docherty visits from Brisbane for a few weeks
26Whilst chatting to Brisbane, Olivia and Paulie discover that they can mess around
27Not that Rosie seems impressed
28Some interesting installations appear in our village
29Including a few new neighbour. She was not responsibe for the huge eggs however
31And a cat installing itself yet again.
32Temporary installations
3310th - Paulie sets out on a group walk.
35A pedal with Daniel
3613th - And a walk up the hill together
39Only a helicopter could have delivered the compressor for the cliff securing work they are doing
40Visitor to the window plants
41Meanwhile Brisbane has morphed into Bavaria.
4314th - Kiwi and Brit pals Jude and Phil drop in from their London home
45Some quick repairs to Jude's gear in the craft basement
46and then a scenic drive and walk
47Dinner at Michael's to try his cassoulet. It passed in flying colours!
48Back in Brisbane, Olivia takes advantage of being so close to the city and heads out for a run
5017th - Paulie is out for another walk with the group - keeping fit and good for French practice
51This time around Penne
52Including neighbouring villages
53Part of this adventure is exploring the church at Roussergue
5719th - Paulie and Stephen spend some days on Yolande's farm with Daniel.
58She generously offers to share firewood that they cut and split
60Farm girl Paulie is delighted to be on a land
61Rubens enjoys Paulie's attention. Paulie, however, was bitten by small spiders that are common this time of year. A severe allergic reaction was not delightful.
62Stephen played manly man. Nearly passed.
64Back home is was weeding time.
65Then later in a few days it was back to the farm
66Time out.
70Video - The magical rustle of Autumn...it seems that strong winds are part of the seasonal change.
7122nd - a colder morning at the farm. The weather is certainly turning
72Elsewhere it's into the fields. Time to think about dinner
76That evening chef Yolande made a delicious mushroom dinner back in her village house.
7726th - Joining Yolande on the last visit to her parent's country home (he was a violinist who moved from Paris). The sale was to settled soon.