November Barcelona Visitors

The month kicked off with a lovely visit form Nick and Elena. They arrived in Toulouse at 5am and Stephen collected them from the 7:00 train at Caussade. The team were able to fit in a lot in a few days - a visit to the prehistoric caves of Peche Merle (Paulie braved her fear of caves with help from the cave paintings), a visit to Saint-Cirq Lapopie, Varen markets, a concert in the village church (see snippet here), Cordes-sur-Ciel and finally Toulouse where Stephen and Michael watch the giant Minotour (see video snippet here) that Elena and Nick watch from the other side of the river.

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On the morning of November 1st Nick and Elena arrived from Barcelona The 1st is La Toussaint or All Saints Day for honouring the dead. Chrysanthemums are typically left on graves. We remembered and left flowers for our Welsh pal John Evans who died a few months prior as well as neighbour and Pauline's fiirst local friend, Madam Julienne Followed by a walk - just what Nick and Elena needed after an overnight bus trip! .
. We visited Michael's new project Yep- he is now part owner of the Baccus café! 2nd - a drive for a bit of pre-history
At Pech Merle in Cabrerets in the Lot Valley. These shots are from Paulie and Stephen's 2015 visit. Photography is no longer allowed These murals date from  25,000 years BCE Saint-Cirq Lapopie on the way home For a bit of Medieval history
(and beautiful scenery) . ... and beautiful people (Beautiful couples)
3rd- We're joined by Michael at a recital in the church that kicked off with echoing voices singing "O Virgo" (circa 1399) and Bach Lute (luth) as well as organ (orgue) Thanks to Mme Belaygues for the shots. Stephen takes Elena and Nick to Cordes-sur-Ciel. BTW - Nick got this groovy warm coat at the markets in Varen for €5!
The strange world of guru devotees in Cordes. This pad has numerous installations and words of wisdom from Bangladeshi mystic Ma Ananda Moyi. Seems the guru now spiritually leads Confucious, Jesus, and Gandhi to name a few. Numerous spaces to meditate . Taking in the view
4th - Michael and Stephen take the guys to Celine's in Toulouse (Elena's fellow Masters student). They had dinner there and then went into town where Michael and Stephen were watching mechanical wonders. Police Nationale and Police Municipal cleared the way... And slowly down the street came the 3 story high minotaur .
Blowing smoke and grunting away menacingly Off he went onto Pont Neuf where he met a huge spider in the middle of the bridge. This video gives a better look at the beasts Too crowded for Michael and Stephen to see. Nick, Elena and Celine were on the other side of the bridge. They all met up after Stephen and Michael had a feed. A quick second farewell (and a drink for Michael) before the guys jumped on a midnight bus for Barcelona..