A November 2018 Recon to England

Stephen and Paulie left France on November 20th for a reconnaissance of possible consulting with Apple UK & Europe. They had a few days with James in Oxford, and then a few days in London staying with Paulie's ex BBC boss Kav. They were able to fit in a book reading and author event at Blackwells the day off arriving in Oxford, a London catch up with Aussie pal Rachel to talk film production, a few Apple Europe HQ meetings, some cultural events (which included seeing this amazing scrolling multimedia piece), and catching up with friends. 

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21 Nov - James has a late start. A quick hello to Olivia whilst making breakfast. James also chatted to a somewhat disinterested Rosie The Savory Crepe King Yum!
Then off for a slow walk with stops to say hi ... ... to the locals. . Through Hinksey Park to town
. . To the natural History museum and the Pitt River for a material anthropology hit To meet friends
Some more skeletal than others 22nd - an early cold start to London to have some meetings First up to The Strand to talk film projects with Rachel Okine Whilst Stephen met up with Apple folks, Paulie visted the Oceania exhibit at the Royal Academy of Arts
Free entry with a Kiwi passport . John Pule. "Kehe te hauaga foou: To all new arrivals" Paulie missed the pianist in action but the piano itself is the focus. Entitled "He Kōrero Pūrākau mo Te Awanui o Te Motu: story of a New Zealand river"
Stephen went later. This exhibit by Lisa Reihana, "In Pursuit of Venus (infected)" - it slowly  scrolled across the screen. See video snippet in blurb above . Christmas cometh. Paulie's old bus to work.
After work drinks at the Wigmore Pub on Regent Street with ex Apple pal Jennifer 23rd - Stephen heads off for another Apple meeting off Regent Street. Paulie spots a fox in Kav's yard They all meet for lunch and then a farewell  cocktail at Kav's club (which is frequented by recognisable actors) And it's back to Oxford. James had left to meet Keno who was working in Grenada.
And then to Heathrow to head home.. .. after a chill in the BA lounge.