1 3rd Jan - Pedalling via UQ at 5:14 am ... Stephen's back to work(Paulie never stopped)...
2 ...where the rest of Brisbane's early morning workforce seems to still be on leave
3 ... or for those on the train, a morning commute is just too much
4 3rd Jan - The gals take advantage of Paulie's day off and take in some culture at the gallery
5 Off to the Brisbane International
6 Olivia's shout... and pretty good seats
7 .
8 Happily finishing off a project!
9 That night, dinner with Michael
10 Empty plates, but full glasses
11 10th Jan - to the train via the city route
12 Paulie's Wednesday off so the gals have a day at the beach
13 14th Jan - It's Michael's birthday gathering
14 The kitchen staff relax for a moment
15 Also a farewell gig as he returns to France in 4 days
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21 Jan 20th - to the markets to shop for a wee gathering that evening.
22 The Dunlop-Blanch gals are coming to celebrate Olivia's upcoming job
23 Sorry Claudie...
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25 Vegan celebration cake.
26 21st Jan - A hero of James, Dr Caroline Lucas, drops in on his crew at Oxford Lush (she's co-leader of the Greens for England and Wales).
27 21st Jan - Meanwhile in France, weeks of rain is having an effect on the canal that's 2 houses down from La Cachette.
28 It's effecting L'Aveyron too!
29 .
30 The canal rises...
31 ... and rises! on the 22nd La Cachette suffers une inondation
32 Great guests that week had moved furniture upstairs and cleaned up the day after!
33 22nd Jan - long laid plans to head out to sea...
34 ... with sister Jan, nephew Stef, and neice Shari.
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37 The skipper continued to work
38 Shari on watch
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40 The big highlight of that day? A message at sea...registration at last! Olivia can now take up her job
41 22nd Jan - Meanwhile in England James has an outing to Charlbury, Oxfordshire.
42 He is joined by Aussie pal Amy whom he lived with when fist moving to England 9 odd years ago.
43 25th Jan - Stephen's Bond Uni contract comes to an end so a long lunch is in order with Tanja
44 Vesna,
45 Janaya,
46 Daniel,
47 Sandra & Ben.
48 26th - Olivia is catching up with Louise on the Sunshine Coast before D Day
49 28th Jan - "D Day" being Dalby Day. Olivia heads to her first physiotherapy job
50 And for now takes up the free accommodation offer at the hospital
51 From Dalby to Barcelona. It's Elena's 29th and Nick starts the day with a surprise. Buon compleanno nuora!