August winds up

Paulie continues her numerous shifts, Stephen heads to Sydney and Melbourne for LiftUpp work, Kiwi vivitors drop in, James heads to Berlin, Olivia studies, and Nick works at a camp for kids in Italy.

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Aug 10th - Stephen heads to Sydney ... to fly the LiftUpp flag (Stephen's UK based contract) He catches up with old pal Zol who he hasn't seen for close to 2 years. His piano skills have been rekindled Sydney Uni.
12th - Paulie finishes a late shift and Stephen flies back from Sydney to catch up for drinks with visiting kiwi pals The next morning we have afternoon tea with Kim, Becky, Alistair and Margot . Dinner with Daniel and Danielle who are on visit to Australia from NZ where they are on a break from LA.
Got that? 25th. And in another town, Berlin, James has a birthday break with Keno 26th Aug - The Maid of Orléans watches over Melbourne's State Library And Joan d'arc is not impressed with this Anglo modernity
Also at the State Library (at a conference) is Paulie's pal Helen d'Auckland. In Oz only days after we fed her son Daniel. Meanwhile in Noosa Jan Dunlop's art takes a walk 27 Aug - time for the gals to take a walk in Graceville (Stephen cycled there). Spring is springing A cycle the next day to feed pal John Webb's cat, and Stephen disappears into the furniture.
That eveing the guys join the Dunlop gals for Claudia's birthday Happy 20th 29th - Stephen is not exactly a cat lover and can't believe he's dropping in for feline chats