On June 24th Stephen & Paulie went to Gothenburg for a few days. It was a visit filled with emotion as it was to attend the memorial service for friend and family Gordon Dunlop who died on May 21st. Although we kept in touch during his short seven week illness, the news of his death was tragic. Gordon (married to Paulie's brother-in-law Jim) was part of Paulie's life since childhood and Stephen met him and Halina (Halka) Rubenstein-Dunlop in the 80's when they moved from Sweden to Brisbane where Stephen was then working. It was Halka who introduced Paulie and Stephen. Olivia attended the Brisbane ceremony some weeks before. We were honoured to attend the Swedish event and it was delightful to meet folks who we had heard of over the years. Gordon asked folks to celebrate his life and thoose attending did just that! - return to home page -
1Out to explore town, Paulie is Muffin Happy
2.. except she prefers them warm
3The Volvo Ocean Race crowd - an offshore race ... over 39000 nautical miles (often ending in Auckland)
4Quality Aussie Rose! It's sold through the Gov't owned stores "System Bologet"
5Although in fairness, the regulated booze sales model offers huge choice and, as this bag states, saves 2000 lives a year!
6Walking through the forest to Inga and Jan's lovely home where we stayed.
7Chilling out around Chalmers University
8... where art flourishes even ion teh drain pipes it seems
9Walking home, we stop at the old water tower for a view (and the smallest lift ever)
10June 25th - on the Buss to attend Gordon's memorial service
11Jan, as a good pal, has words to say. So did family & Gordon's old PhD students which included the DVC.
12June 26 - Off to join Seb, Shaun and Halka to pour the ashes into one of Gordon's favourite places...
13In time to stop off en route
15... said favourite is here
16The troops gather
20A solemn yet informal time..
21Where friends sat and reflected for a long period
22As did Sebastian who re-enacted his father's skinny dipping when we left in 14 degree waters.
23After we joined friends and family at a lunch and picked up a car. A small car.
24.. then shopped to prepare a meal for our hosts, the Rubenstein-Dunlops, and thier American pals
25June 27th- of to the island of Tjörn and the Pilane gravfält sculptures..
26... where we spot an unusual house
27.. unusually thin
31locals with nerves of steel
36Picneek time
40500BC burial mound on the site
43Local farms
44.. and the main town, Skärhamn
46Bohus fästning on the drive to the airport
47In Frankfurt even the clergy are high tech
48Menawhile back in Brisbane, Olivia finishes here exams!