1 May Day (La Fête du Travail) is represented by Lily of the Valley. A tradition started by King Charles IX in 1561
2 And this year marks the guys self evicting themselves for a rental. Avec Bébé
3 So them relocate for a night to La Porte Bleue
5 A planning catch up with our next bébe Ella visitor and Kirsten
6 Paulie's Bro-in-law updates us on Gordon Dunlop's health.
7 Paulie and Stephen head off in Tinkerbell to chepaer digs to make a buck (well, Euro)
8 40 minutes away in the country they shack up in a modest but lovely studio
10 making ourselves at home
11 With a pigeonniere
12 and a lovely view
14 Out on a HILLY 40km cycle
15 A rest & feed in Molieres
16 We stop to check on the vineyeard we'll need for upcoming guests. Should be ready
17 A scented dinner
18 Little known fact - the Prince of Denmark is French and this is his chateau Cayx near Cahors
19 Stephen shows Danish respect (his maternal Grandmother's father was Danish)
20 Stephen receives a call from pal & ex colleague John Webb
21 Into the chateau gardens. We're told Princess Mary (care of Tasmania) will be here with the family in a couple of weeks
22 May as well try Henrik's mainly Malbec drop. A large bottle - Owen is visiting in a week
24 Time to head off to Cahor
25 Cahors kittens
27 A quest - to find some "secret gardens"
30 And then an Iris farm some distance away
31 Just starting to bloom
32 Flower fodder?
33 Driving past we spot a drop zone
34 We we do some skydiver spotting
36 Our next mission - find the prehistoric caves near Cabrerets
37 Mission accomplished.
38 Paulie normally shys away from caves, but this is worth it
39 Wow
42 Carbon dated at 25, 000 BCE
44 Final evening at the studio
45 and the sun sets on our last day before moving on...
46 En route to Albi, we drop in on Cordes sur siel
47 and find a house dedicated to an Franco-Indian guru
48 And her art
55 All of which is worth meditating apon...
56 ...in the loft meditation space
57 May 6th into Albi for part 2 of the retreat
58 Our apartment is in the centre of the old city
59 And coincidntally in the building where the cafe James, Paulie and Stephen met pal Alan in 2013
61 In said cafe. Shops in town have Toulouse-lautrec quotes.
62 In this case something like "I'll start drinking milk when the cows start grazing on grapes"
63 The Bishop's palace looks much greener in Spring than our last visit in Feb 2014
67 Being in such a sohisticated city, the country guys decide to tidy up
68 ... and are pleased with the outcome.
70 The fashion museum
73 Across the river at the minatures museum
74 The back story drew us there. An unhappy childhood involving the loss of the family home led the lady to ...
75 ... recreate her family home, and their country estate by hand. The pottery, cloth, everything!
76 ... and the son-in-law, an elderly gentleman, is caretaker.
77 ... who offers tea in the garden
78 Aussie history. Look it up - not part of our Anglo Saxon history curriculum
80 May 8th - Fête de la Victoire 1945 in Albi
82 The Grown ups gather before the Gendarme, Armée de Terre, various officers, Pompiers & veterans
83 Job over, the armée de terre soldiers and capitaine head home
84 May 9th visitors
85 10th - A video Skype whilst driving to Larroque where pals Robin and Rosie invited us for the Hunters (chasse)
86 Which was in a lovely setting with fun French & other folks
87 The new Chasse President thanks the outgoing boss
88 The new Chasse President thanks the outgoing boss
90 Robin sneekily tells madame that Stephen wants more wild game sausages
91 Enough already!
94 Paulie, Robin and new friend Martin
95 One more drink with Martin and Linda & then off to spend the night at Michael, Storm and John's
96 Nearly home after our eviction..
97 ... but first a 3 hour walk and climb to repent our sins of yesterday
99 Preparing for the climb
100 A cool down in order? I think not
103 Made it up
104 Big change from the last time walking here in winter
105 February versus May - the battle of beauty
106 A feed and rest
108 A fresh water spring avec frogs
109 .. and French consumers of frog legs (we also spotted two 1 metre snakes on the path)