James and Keno travels

For a couple of weeks in August/Sept Keno & James travellled. Keno left Germany to meet up with James in Portugal. They broke the travel with a day in the Midi Pyrenees with Stephen and Paulie and then headed to Avignon and Italy. James returned to England to attend a manager's meeting on the 10th (and then some activism) and waited for Keno to return to Oxford a few weeks later to start his PhD.

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The lads do Portugal, France, Italy I'm guessing Porto but James will correc t me. all tres groovy .
When in Rome... .. do as the Romans do. Especially outside the Vatican. WIth a good deal of spirituality Keno has a game named after him
13th Sept - And the week after he's home, James is in back action (activism) 15 Group join together to say... .. at the British Museum so Shakespeare action
"Some are born green, some achieve greenness, and some purchase a semblance of greenness by sponsoring cultural events!".