1 Sept 18 - the St Lucia Athertons arrive with pals Pattie & Tony
2 Which deserves celebration, so the Weber is fired up
3 Chris & Tony chill after travel from the north (Chris) and south (Tony)
4 .. so Louise breaks the chill whilst Stephen heats the Margret de canard au orange.
5 Under the keen eye of the hostess with the mostess
6 Keenly awaiting dinner
7 .. and keenly greeting it.
8 Escaping the cooling temp, Michael Docherty joins us inside
9 Local study tours
10 .
11 Day 2 - Time to go on Tour
12 ... before starting on tour 2. First a stop in the mist at Féneyrols
13 Tour Leader Atherton takes the crew to close-by Bruniquel
14 .
15 .. like hearding cats, the tour comes to Puycelsi
16 .. to stop for a feed
17 and visit landmarks like the church (where Paulie and Stephen attended a cool gig the week before)
18 .. fortifications
19 Later, at home base, we note the tower open
20 .
21 .. and for the first time - access to the upper tower
22 .. so up went the intrepid explorers
23 .
24 ... to see the clock's workings...
25 .. and the very top
26 .. but decided not to access the roof
27 .. then a wee rose..
28 .. and readying for an All Black game being shown at the cafe.
29 Rugby World Cup spirit
30 .. even for those who couldn't give a toss
31 .
32 All to show support for "the only Kiwi in the Vee-lage"
33 20th - Sunday market early start . Beating the crowds,
34 A quick stop a Cordes en route to Albi.
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40 The loving couples reach Albi
41 and the guide shares some words of wisdom
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46 Guide Stephen went to the trouble to arrange a mass for the group
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49 Lunch where Paulie and Stephen hung out for a number of days (in the apartment upstairs)
50 As always, the owner bonds with customers
51 .
52 Back home, a visit to Michael Docherty's
53 21st - time to bond with l'aveyron
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56 Deserting the team
57 .. but only for a while. Paulie and Stephen cycled to mid point, were ferried across the river, and brought a picnic
58 To add to the fluids purchased at the cafe
59 .
60 A much loved spot, Stephen feels obligued to show some French youngins how to access the rock
61 And come back again
62 The lads appreciated the tip from the master
63 The last supper
64 22nd - off to tackle (small segments) of the Camino by foot (and support vehicle) into Spain