Dec 30 Update: The Guys make it to Beize. Nick sumed it up well in an email " was amazing to see the difference one border has..the minute we got a across we hopped straight on a bus (everything transport wise has worked perfectly, some sort of good traveller energy has looked after us) ..the mix of cultures here is kool, lots of rastas the garifuna indigenous ppl and still latinio..everyone speaks creole which i jus love that long funky drawn out jamaican style maaan which is damn fine...we got out of the bus station and had some typical white boy/girl traveller anxiety and my mind at first didnt trust ne1 but that was silly..our cab driver bert took us to a hotel but they are all like 30 us a night even for dingy shitholes..when we said ooh that was too expensive he straigth away offered for us to crash at his, so we went back there..his wife cooked us dinner and we stayed up chatting with his family for ages.."
Jan 11th Update: We received photos from Belize and an update. Their "woofing" experience (organic farming - work for a bed) was not that great... "mike (farm owner) is an obsessive comulsive yank nutter and we do not enjoy his company in the slightest...theres more to the story but i really can't be bothered going into yeh, oh and the botfly bites are driving us mad..little midge like things smaller than mosquitoes who attack us at everymoment possible". Stephen has suggested they try and get a gig in Belize given English is the main language (a nice pidgeon- if you can hear the music try and work out what Mr Peters is singing!) - there seem to be resorts everywhere. But who know's what's next?