(Wild) life in the'Burbs

A snapshot of the locals at Russell Terrace over the years....

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OK- not recent, but stephen clearly interested in snakes in younger days  OK, not Russell Terrace, but Springbrook back in 1990. 2005- our first large visitor at Russell Tce  The python highway. It's what's in the plant that counts  We saw this possum climb out a few evenings. She carried her baby on her back Possum feeding time  .
2007 another snake is looking for a bed  a snake visit one morning and finds it  snake bed A time to rest. Possum magic  . 2008, a relative sleeps on the deck  After moving a sofa on the back deck...
Aug 2009 we had a heat wave. The young come out to play!  Good to see a python hatchling on the lawn. .  . A month for snakes. A tree snake thinks James' room is a tree  Stephen politely carried the tree snake out of the loft. A microbat visitor (alas, who later died)  .
We caught this wild beast (more than once the dill!)  Not so wild wildlife explores, and is captured, in a turkey trap 2010, rudely woken  IN the shed. A possum bed Possum Magic - this one in the shed  . No. Not dead- another visitor sleeping!  The heat gets to us all
A youngin came for a snack when low flying Black Hawk choppers on an SAS exercise frightened it  A young possum came for a snack when low flying Black Hawk choppers on an SAS exercise frightened it. Kookaburra freshens up for romance- it's nesting time.  . Kookaburra A bath brings brings a laugh  . more colourful Spring love  .
Spring time for those who are active  . .  . .  . IMG 6661  .
.  . And some bright flora  . and fauna  . IMG 3013  .
.  . At eye height from back deck  . The Tawney Mounth is joined by a pal  . A guest on Christams Eve 2012  Back in 2012
Nearly stood on him  . IMG 8783  . .  . Locals show Paulie some yoga moves  .
2012, the water dragon gets a better view  . Ha ha.. baby water dragon worries about the kookaburra  . Kookaburra keeping a watchful eye on it all  . A python parade  Cyril visits
By the pool  . Aug 2013, Stephen starts to blcok entry under the house  UNder the house Stephen wires off various areas to keep these chaps from getting to wiring And upsets the locals  . Mr Asian House Gheko finds dinner on the window  .
Lizard feeding time  Got 'ya and the Lizard rids us of more insects  . pretty web  . From here on in we closed the garage doors  .
Friday afternoon at Kaida's  . Feeding next door  . Wildlife in the garden often drops in  . Mother and child come out for a feed from the poolside plants  .
IMG 7558  . Double bunks for Rusty and Rosie  The curators The dynamic duo on guard as things heat up  . March 31 2014... what's that on the outside tree?  .
A 3 metre well fed python  . .  . April 7 2014 - we thought we would help native bees  Native bees .. who don't look like bees, don't bite, but do pollinate  .
Teenage Magpie joins the conversation  . Oct 2014 - Poss enjoys a catch up too.  Dropping in for a catch up possum Food please!  . possum  More?  .
Snake December 9 - ...and talking about hunger - a  2-3 metre Python smells another possum in the garage  The wire keeps possums out of the garage. Not snakes who easily fit through the lattce Snake  Darn! The possum headed for the trees. Perhaps the guy with the camera is tasty  . Dec 19th same snake?  OUt the study window Stephen spots Cyril Looking thirsty  Given it's dry weather, he is thirsty
Snake ... so over to Chateau AthoTurnbull's gutter...  And spots water in the gutter suspension bridge snake  . .  . .  But not a lot. So stephen gets the hose and adds some
Snake ...for a drink  . Seen a python drink... video.  Video- drinking in action. March 2014, This tree snake got the lizard but fell out of the tree into the pool and drowned!  A sad tail. Tree snake bites off more than he can chew. He takes the water dragon then falls out of the tree into the pool. IMG 7553  They both drowned
... some nocturnals clearly had a big ballsy night  . Dec 27th 2015. Stephen meets a wee currawong (bird) and his distressed mother  Video- a baby Currawong falls out of the tree An hour later after a cycle Stephen found a well fed Cedric snake. He initially though breakfast was the currawong, but maybe not...  and may have ended up here. Stephen spotted a well fed python video examination. Probably a possum digesting.  Video.
Warm day possum posing  . 2016, Feb 18th . Stephen says bye to Poss for a few months  video - 2016 possum visitors farewell Stephen before he heads of to England for a few months. good chums  The Kookies are pals of Stephen's IMG 0377  But they prove that they are still fierce hunters
IMG 0363  2016 - Cyril the python find a cool retreat. But nobody wants to swim whilst he's there, so he is removed IMG 0368  But not before one last dip. 29th Dec, 8:00 pm. Snake interrupts the Batican II meeting in the fig tree and both fall to the ground wth a thump  Dec 2017- a thump as Cyil's nephew gets a Flying Fox in the fruiting fig tree u1fuIcYgTgaCXsrtzivAcA thumb 1ffb5  Stephen feels for the bat, so unravels the mess and he scampers off. Sorry Cedric