Hi there. I'm Rusty Atherton, the newest member of AthoMan.com. I love to chase stuff and sometimes I actually catch what I'm chasing.

I love going to Springbrook where I can show everybody my hunting skills and my canine toughness. I'm a dogs' dog... fierce and furious. I chase cows, bark at birds and show Nick, Jim and Stephen just how manly I am.

On the topic of my manliness, I was violated this year and had it taken away from me. I'm thinking of legal action against "AthoMan.com" but my legal advisor (Ben the Bulldog) said my case won't stand up in court!

I hate doors because somehow every night the damn thing closes on me and I get stuck outside. I am sure the other AthoMen are not aware of this injustice.

I'll ask Stephen to add photos of me at a later date so keep watching "Rustys' place"...