October 2019- a Spanish outing.

October 5th - Paulie and Stephen head off to Spain with Yolande for a 10 day break

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Oct 5th - off to Spain with Yolande
8 hours later, we get to her apartment in Alcocebre
A short walk...
To the beach. We've left the 15 degree temperatures back in St Antonin.
A short drive to visit Peñíscola and it's 13th century castle
Before a longer drive up into the mountains (1km up) to visit Morella
Looks like it's by foot from here to reach the Castell de Morella
The walk has a negative effect on some locals. They just can't move any further
The Moors took the town in 714 and it was fought over until 1232. Ye old convent of San Francisco was then built.
Gothic mural from 15th century represents the Dance of Death.
Higher up, the castle/fort continued to be used up to the Spanish Civil War
Home for a drink and rest.
Oct 9th- to Vilafamés
Yolande joinded Paulie & Stephen on this trip
A visit to the
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Villafamés
Up to the top.
Oct 10th- back at home base on the walk to the village
And at night the moon does it's thing. A big discussion regarding the lunar cycle kicked off.
Paulie and Stephen strolled the beach at night.
Oct 12th - we head to Valencia to stay with Paulie's pal Ree (she lived with her family for a year in Maine when a teenager)
Their new pad is not far from where we stayed with her some years back.
Dinner time
Neil is home from playing Padel Tennis
Ree's kids arrive - Anni and German husband Stefan
Neal's daughter Natasha & Brit boyfriend Lawrence
Mike arrives
Like hearding cats
Morning read of the news
Time to catch up with Olivia and Ree's God-daughter Evana in Brisbane.
They met at the Regatta pub
Valencia visit
Bottoms were big in Spanish medieval times
La Lonja de la Seda. The silk market
A splendid ceiling
Roman ruins found when a building started construction. Now L’Almoina museum
From Roman architecture to contemporary work - the city of Arts and Sciences. Designed by Santiago Calatrava and Félix Candela
Then lunch by the beach
Ree's clan say farewell after a quick catch up at Natasha's cafe.
Back to Ree's to pack up
And a farewell to all the family members.
18th Oct - dropping in on Tarragona.
Caught in the rain
Approching Girona - travelling 18 km took close to 2 hours care of Catalan independence protests! It's all kicked off again given politicians were given long jail sentences by Madrid courts
The next morning all was calm
Entry to the old town.
Trying hard to get in frame
Time to leave for France. The kids are awake and ready to protest again!