January 2019. Winter Wonderland and Summer Sauna.

Winter for the AthoTurnbulls in France and Oxford, and a super hot one for Olivia in Brisbane. The year for all starts off with a lot of activity.

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a  Ye ancient technique for stopping drafts in castles. A temporary tapestry hanging across the stairs to the cave. b  5th - introducing Yolande to Michael's wine bar. : Yolande Cartigny IMG 8795  A cold snap d  .
e  To Yolande's to cut some more firewood. Just frost so far. f  . g  . 205e5f3a-7621-4114-a50a-7370ec51d6ba  Jan 6 - Elena's folks, Lucia and Lucio, farewell the guys from Italy as they return to Barcelona.
19870c11-99ff-4ac8-9468-fbc9cba2bdd0  . j  9th - another babysit of Kizzy who keeps an eye on everything... k  .. except when she's not. l  To Yolande's farm to care for "the boys" whilst she is away. A good diet in the cold is a must
m  15th - another visit. Gandolf and Arthur enjoy the attention n  20th - Tasting and judging at a local cake bake off. Screen Shot 2019-01-20 at 2.08.32 pm  After too much cake, it's time to catch up with James. But instead his pal the Foxy James answers Screen Shot 2019-01-20 at 2.30.26 pm  Tricked us :-)
Jan2019RiverPicnic  Video - It's time for a long walk and picnic. To hell with the cold. r  25th - we wake to a whiter day Jan2019Snow  Video - Some light snow. s  looks lovely
u  26th - off to a gig in a nearby village- Occitaine and Irish music. And Paulie braves a local dance IMG 8968  It might be cold in Europe, but Rosalie Rosie seeks the cooling tiles in Brisbane IMG 8999  26th - and Olivia seeks the ocean on Stradbroke Island with pals IMG 8993  .
IMG 9002  . Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at 1.35.38 pm  27th - a catch up with the Oxford Duo who soon head to Brisbane! 49527671 2267857240149097 7578194747719196201 n  Oxford is clear and cool. Tres pretty 47692600 387778061971940 3743252293821025047 n  .
zc  31st - a complex highlight of January - Paulie's brother who has been assumed dead since the 1980's is alive! An emotional birthday call to him in the Phillipines : Pauline Turnbull IMG 0915  The month end colder at James and Keno's in Oxford ze  And wetter in St Antonin. Flood coming? It was a close call (see Feb 2019)