Keno Jüchems and James Atherton Wed!

Oxford, July 26th 2019




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What a day! Familily came from Australia, Germany, Spain, and France to be part of this lovely day. The day started with the family only cermony at the Oxford Registry Office. It was a great ceremony... personal, warm and still elegant. A video of the ceremony itself is here. A high definition version is availble for those with fibre network - just email Stephen. It was a glorious day in Oxford with only light rain after midnight. The 10:00am cermony was followed by a family lunch in Oxford.The celebration started at 3:00 but James and Keno were joined by Keno's dad and the AthoTurnbulls to set a few things up a bit earlier. The gig included and great meal, drinks aplenty, games for those wanting to use the large space and a silent disco. Stephen drove the lads home after 2:00am. A big day!

1 25th July -The AthoTurnbull trio flew in from France and joined both families at dinner in Jericho
2 July 26th, 10:00am - the The BIg Day kicks off
3 Proud mother-in-law to be snaps the lads
4 The ceremony is a family only affair at the Oxford Registry office
5 and it's down to business. Most of the ceremony is recorded - see link in intro text
6 time to sign the dotted line. The two mothers witnessed
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9 Is that it?
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12 It is indeed it!
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14 Very pleased Turnbull girls
15 All the while Graham broadcast the event to Brisbane
16 Where a mix of a dozen or so Powell, Romeros-Powell and perhaps Radford-Smiths watch on
17 One of two very proud fathers
18 Fathers and Step-father
19 Mothers and Step-mother
20 The parents
21 And sibs
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23 >
24 Sealed with a kiss
25 After lunch in town, the AthoTurnbull trio head to the venue with kit for the gig
26 Onto the Iffley tow path
27 Stephen tried to convince the gals that he purchased the "Atho's" canal boat to send the boys off on.
28 Looks like the Isis Farmhouse is ready
29 Certainly looks cool
30 A wee breather
31 The lads set up tables and coordinate. Stephen sets up the silent disco
32 Dad Stephen and Dad Ewald grab a welcome Pims
33 And enjoy before guest arrive at 3:00
34 And they arrive...
35 Keno and James are great hosts
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37 A wonderful mix of Lush folks, German pals, Oxford Uni Neuropsych academics and various friends and family
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39 Ex-roomie Tilly
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48 The kids (Neela and Luan) had a sleep and Keno's sister Janna and husband Ingo arrive with mother Antje.
49 Antjie catches up with some of the German guests
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51 Time for some games
52 Before a lovely (really!) vegan feed, the lads say thank you and remind parents that there are no speeches.
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54 Dinner is served.
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58 Proud Dad.
59 It's one happy gathering
60 And a loving one too.
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62 The Uni team do a group shot
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64 The ex-Lushies and Lushies bond
65 Before their group shot
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67 Card games with the kids
68 And a motherly tea break
69 "Smile"
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72 Time to boogie. Three channels of music, plenty of headphones, and away they go
73 Mother and son. Nick arrived a bit late but caught up quickly
74 Olivia and Paulie moved from the dance floor to their boogie corner
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76 D'Empress and Paulie chat well into the new day
77 The night winds up
78 1:00 am Saturday and the numbers have thinned out
79 Stephen dropped the gals back to the hotel and returned to find the last handful of celebrators happily singing. What a night!