February 2019 Part Two -

Oxford lads visit Oz, Paulie and Nick return to Oz, Olivia works hard, Stephen takes a new contract in the UK


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February continues to be a busy month. Paulie heads back to Brisbane and saw off the lovely tenants, the Eberls, as they completed their sabbaticals and headed back to Berlin. She started work, re-connected with family, worked through a mega chore list, and got some sun! Olivia was settled into her challenging work at the Mater Hospital doing stuff they never taught at Uni and loving her pad in Rosalie.Nick and Keno made it to Brisbane after leaving Keno's Mum in hospital (she was OK) and having stayed on longer in Frankfurt. Paulie was there in time to see them and see them off on their flight back to Oxford. On return Keno was interviewed for a Junior Research Fellowship at St Johns College.He aced it! James was offered a home based role at Lush whilst still being the Oxford manager - charity coordination. Perfect fit. Nick stayed some weeks in St Antonin with a few lovely visits from Elena then returned to Brisbane to initially stay with Grandpa and Grandpa Powell. Stephen took on a new contract and started his monthly commute between France and Britain. As I said... busy month.

IMG 3713  18th Feb and Paulie is straight into family catch ups : Olivia Turnbull, Keno IMG 9108  A meet up at Olivia's pad IMG 8117  19th - In France Elena comes up from Barcelona. Stephen takes the guys up the mountain IMG 8118  Into the cave Paulie and Stephen found some months prior
IMG 8124  To explore 8a4f9c94-ec85-423a-a894-af1ccb5f34de  . IMG 8135  . IMG 8134  And out the other side
IMG 8137  . IMG 8138  To go down another way. New territory for Guide Stephen IMG 8141  A new cave. IMG 8144  With it's own bathing pool - might be useful in Summer
IMG 8155  Nick spelunks away and crosses the pool IMG 8162  . IMG 8164  Further down the mountain, another find IMG 8165  Cave 3
IMG 8170  with a stream ff215c70-6b8d-4a77-85f2-29180436b033  Lunch time IMG 8196  The next day is chore time at La Cachette 57235892999  DAFC9B70-A3B7-40AD-A966-8B0011C3217A  .
57244475667  472F1BC7-A0B2-497C-950B-58CBF001A768  Guests are due next month for a 3 week stay IMG 8202  Then some more exercise IMG 8207  . 13635d66-1502-41be-80f4-5d8fbdb77df4  .
IMG 9141  21st - meanwhile in Brisbane, Paulie settles into home after the tenants return to Berlin IMG 9147  And nothing like bubbles and family to settle in! Screen Shot 2019-02-21 at 12.14.21 pm  Stephen has a quick catch up from France IMG 8232  Then it's back to chores
57251004828  250D5268-2F84-4127-9D3D-93A6264A0A55  . IMG 8239  22nd - a sad day for our trusty Tinkerbell. She slips off the road and has to be euthanased :-( IMG 9153  Meanwhile the Aussie home gets family support IMG 9162  When Jan and Jim drop in
IMG 9161  Looking good! Paulie's raking skills shine IMG 9164  23rd- Off to catch up with other family. The Annerley Dunlops : Claudia Blanch IMG 8245  Spring is nearly there in France. But Stehen expects a cold snap, so no planting yet IMG 9169  24th - The lads wind up their visit to Oz with a picnic (half bro Julian, Venetia and Paulie join them)
IMG 9176  And it's farewell time as they head from Elizabeth's to the airport IMG 9175  Time to get back to Oxford for a St Johns College Fellow interview for Keno. And a new role at Lush for James IMG 8255  25th - At Blagnac airport it's time for Nick to get back to Australia to sort ot some issues IMG 8261  And then the next day for Stephen to fly to England and jump on the 11:00 pm train to Guildford
IMG 8263  On the 30 minute walk to the train to his client's offices at Liphook he passes potential clients IMG 8264  He notices some interesting stuff he missed on the midnight walk to Jude and Phil's place two nights ago IMG 8270  28th - the month ends and another adventure-  and day- begins.