July Journeys

It was a month of movement for the AthoTurnbulls. Nick and Elena kicked off their Great Northern Adventure before the planned return to Spain, James and Keno visited Germany before leaving Oxford for New York a few months so Keno could do some work at Princeton, Olivia made daily treks to Logan Hospital & hit the festival scene over the border, and Paulie and Stephen continued their travelling work routines.

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July 5th - the guys head on a roadtrip before returning to Spain in September The grand trip north (after a quick detour south) Stephen receives visitors at work and after work : Pauline Turnbull
watching some beach work at Surfers Paradise. We hear it's keeping the whales away. Good call to stay as far away fro Surfer's as possible. 8th - dinner with Owen and Denise. And her über knitting Saying hi to James and Keno in Germany July 8-9 James and Keno are in Germany
. July 9th - Nick and Elena visit uncle Jon and Bea in Federal . Lennox Heads : Elena, Nick Atherton
. : Jon Atherton, Béatrice Benard Dron . Prospectors Falls .
Olivia spends much of teh month at Logan hospital and occassionally sees Jess : Jess Blanch July 10 - back in Oxford and James tends his Abingdon Road allotment . 13th - Stephen pedals home from the coast to join Olivia before her last day at Logan
Done and dusted. Bond acknowledges France's fête nationale (Bastille Day) Misty morning of the 18th. Another 5am start to the day & a pedal to the train in the city After work, the gals drop in to the St Lucia Atherton's Burlegh estate
A nice time of the day at Bond Uni 22nd - The guys reach Rainbow Beach and 1770 Some stunning scenery .
20th -off to... : Olivia Turnbull The Glastonbury of Byron Bay School chum Michelle & paramed extrordinaire .
. . Back at home, Olivia's room mate is cared for 23rd - The Eurpoean Athertons enjoy Monkey Beach, Great Keppel Island
. 24th - the Oxford boys explore Manhattan. New York is home for the next few months Just what James is after as part of his training.... some healthy activism Indooroopilly locals 1 meter off the back deck
Paulie and Stephen were at Burleigh Heads 26th - Stephen and Paulie breakfast at sunrise At work James says hi to Stephen's collegues. That same day Nick and Elena are near Mackay at Eungella National Park
With no incentive to hang at Burleigh (Paulie returned home the day before), Stephen starts work even earlier And at Cape Hillsborugh Nick and Elena enjoy the sunset with the locals Just as Nick did 31 years prior! .
. The new New York boys are based near Prospect Park Brooklyn. Note to the right Jamacia Queens? - Stephen's childhood haunt. The lads checked out the High Line. We've read about it. A cool public space and then returned to their neighbourhood.
28th - Pal Inga is up from down south for a few nights and takes a great snap from the top of our street Paulie takes her to connect with Mt Cootha trees (Her latest book focussing on such relationships - www.hachette.com.au/inga-simpson/ ) 29th African debrief and dinner. Paulie's old boss Heather is back from catching up with friends in Mozambique And the chefs cook up some sub-saharan snacks
The next day the St Lucia Atherton tell us they now have another house - their St Lucia superannuation And then a birthday catch up with the Drs Traynor. Days of work to clean it up ready to rent before heading to the French Atherton estate for a few weeks : Pauline Turnbull The month winds up (in the U.S.) and James calls in from the Staten Island Ferry after a day at Princeton.