February Fades

As Paulie continues her support work, Stephen's half time consulting gig with the Liftupp team in Liverpool comes to an end. His final day is February 15th. It seems an interview for a position at Bond University some weeks earlier went well and Stephen is offered a role starting Feb 20th. Why not? Build some new skills, get back to the coalface.

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Out on a cycle Stephen notes a green fashion statement Feb 17 - Stephen is offered a job at Bond Uni starting in a few days. All we need is an extra car! : Pauline Turnbull ... a neighbour of the St Lucia Atherton's has one for sale. : Stephen Atherton 14 years old but looking both good and tres chic.
Day 1: worried about the new kids at school But all is well And the campus is interesting as is the view from his desk ain't bad.
A week after and Olivia is off to her first clinical rotation (Mater) with colleague Louise The downer of a Gold Coast job? The commuting!