Stephen's work in South Africa

Whilst Paulie hosted guests, Stephen delivered 7 sessions over 4 days to Jo'burg universities. Challenges such as network outages (a power cable was stolen at a sub-station during his first gig), power load sharing, and high crime didn't really impress Stephen. His Soweto visit was interesting. This video gives an idea of challenges for folks in the worse bits.

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A walk from the airport Gautrain to his apartment And then a shop for the week's "at home" meals Hours after the sun sets in Johannesburg.. Stephen joins the French crew for dinner (same time zone)
The Auckland Park campus, day 2 Off to a shop where it is apparent that power outages (load sharing) is regular On May 29 Stephen had his day off The well to do
... and the not-so-well to do live here in areas like Kliptown ... and wanted to see Soweto at it's most challenging A walk after asending those towers in the background Where apartheid really started to fall when 13 year old Hector Pieterson was shot during an uprising in  1976.
Marginal area in Soweto where 3 million live