September Winds up

When taking account of September, what better way than including one's accountant? Oct 25-28th Yuen & Christie Sun and kids included La Cachette in their French holiday. The last paddle in l'aveyron for the season, and a stint at Michael's made for a lovely way to wind up the month. For Stephen the month's end also marked the start of a Job interview marathon.

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Yuen and Christie Sun drop in for a few days . . Back to Michael Docherty's (where the duo stayed whilst Yuen and family visited)
Carnival of the 2CVs Misty mornings at Michael pad on Rue Droite Stephen joins Yuen and the kids for a paddle The second challenge
Collecting the gals half way for a river crossing and some warming Bretagne cider catching the autumn sunshine whilst Miss Milly escaped it when we returned home
Michael is planning a whiskey/whisky night only fair to include some unusual drops