A tribute to Egan

Site updated on 10 Jun 2012

Egan Ulrich was one of the few people Stephen could say "touched" his life. Although knowing him for much of his life (well, since primary school) because of his friendship with Stephen's parents, Stephen reconnected - and Paulie connected- when they moved next door to Kaida and Egan in Dec 2004.

Paulie described Egan as one who "walked gently on this Earth" and Stephen couldn't agree more. A lovely chap with a sharp intellect and a memory that could be embarrassing. If Stephen wanted to know the date that he romanced his first girlfriend, Egan could give the year. A childhood surrounded by war in Germany didn't seem to scar this patient soul. Only a few tales from childhood were shared like those discussed in 2011.

Egan had never returned Berlin yet spoke of doing so. Knowing that, Olivia made a quest of visiting his childhood home when she was in Berlin in 2012. She created a wee booklet of Berlin for him. Egan was frail for much of 2011-2012 but held out, we think, for the return of Kaida's granddaughter Rebecca. He was full of beans at dinner in her honour late May. It was clearly time and come June Egan was admitted to hospital whilst Stephen and Paulie were in NZ. He died days later on the evening of June 5th, 2012. His funeral and wake were on the 15th.

Wandrers Nachtlied II (Wayfarer's Night Song II) - J.W. Goethe

Die Vogelein schweigen in Walde. (The little birds fall silent in the woods.)
Warte nur, balde (Just wait... soon)
Ruhest du auch. (you'll also be at rest.)

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1975 with Stephen's folks

1976 with Fuji Chamberlain, Eric Saint, Terry Atherton et al

1976 with Margaret Whitton & Athertons

Jon and his 1930s German engineering

Egan toasting in Christmas day 2006


2008 at Chris Atherton's for Terry's 80th

Terry, Kaida and Egan. 2008

An escort home for the neighbours

Egan joins us 2009

Egan drops in


At Terry's wake. March 2011

Overseeing it all is the keen eye of Egan. 2011

Egan's 79, 2011

The Dowdy's Join. Aug 2011

Olivia's Berlin Book

Childhood street

and home

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