Visiting James in Oxford. April 2011

Site updated on 19 Apr 2011

March 28th - April 12th Paulie and Stephen visited Neil and James in Oxford. It's been a year and a half since our last catch up, so the trip was well overdue! We kicked off with the Oxford Literary Festival, had more outings as the weather warmed up, and we all headed to France for a few days. It was all just lovely.

For those with a geek leaning, the travels can be mapped to those telecommunication towers that Stephen's iPhone connected to!

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Arrival at James and Neil's pad

Meeting the resident bunnies

James receives Terry's Ashanti fertility doll

A walk down the lane to Iffley Village and lock

The village church

Off to Blenheim Palace

Churchill hung out here

Still a bit chilly in Woodstock

Day three- off to Poole via New Forest where we met some locals

with a Winchester stop over

Duty calls- Neil heads off to work.

Paulie and Stephen head off on their morning jog

a pit stop to post a card

Iffley Village

Picking up pace in the fields past Iffley Village

Enough pace to fly

The lock

Time to get geared up for the Oxford Literary Festival at Christ Church College

Ready for the Oxford Literary Festival

We decided to stay Friday night at Christ Church - that's our room at the top. Perfect!

The sun sets, a wee slide on the steps

Off on a run in Christ Church meadows to hype up for the festival kick off

Porter planning

Breakfast in the hall. Venue for filming the Harry Potter dining hall scenes.

Meanwhile back at Rose Hill, the bunnies rest

Stephen returned home on the bus to see James out and about

A.C. Grayling launches his secular philosophical text - "The Good Book" at the Sheldonian

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