mLearning Roadshow May - June 2009

Site updated on 16 Jun 2009

Stephen joined pals Rowan Simms and Steve Doyle on a seminar on Mobile Learning. It went down well, but Stephen was a bit weary after travelling to all Aussie capital cities and Auckland. Rowan fared worse and was out for a number of the gigs with serious flu. Stephen returned home 2 days before the Turbull/Atherton clan headed off to the UK to meet up with James and Nick who is flying in from Chile. Group hug time coming up!

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Pulling cables to build our network

iPod Touches await attendees

Mr Doyle takes a lunch break in Adelaide

Apple colleagues Greg and Sally with student helpers

Getting the visualiser going...

Steve and Rowan are happy with the setup

Allan and Ian with Uni Adelaide colleague

Steve borrows a work corner

The Perth Audience at work

200 engaged folks

In the middle of travels, Stephen decided he should shave. No thanks! It grew back quickly enough

Stephen was so close to putting on dinner suit & grabbing a Dry Martini given he had his own pianist

Brisbane gig at the Con

Rowan is out with the flu, the lads hit NZ and change to a local diet

Auckland audience gathers

Dinner with the RED team (Chris. Tim and Graham to the right)

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